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Samana Peninsula is a resort for lovers of individual leisure. Here untouched nature and deserted beaches are. It is ideal place for nature observations and thoughts about eternity.

For two months of the year, from mid-January to mid-March, the flocks of humpback whales swim to Samana from the Northern Atlantic. They overcome the enormous distances of 3-5 thousand miles, and someone 7 if departs from the coast of Norway. In the Bay of Samana whales eat and copulate and the youngsters which not are of the age of sexual maturity just have fun, blowing up the air with their songs, various twangs, performed by the choir and alone. At that time, the excursions by boat for the nearest acquaintance with these amazing animals are organized in marina of the town of Samana.

Samana is a good place for diving or snorkeling. The nearby Cayo Levantado Island is more suitable for it.

Gaitises National Park, located on the peninsula, is ready to give to tourists an unforgettable experience: the swimming in an underground lake to the accompaniment of squeaking of bats and a unique opportunity to see ancient rock paintings on the walls of caves.

A waterfall of El Limon in the jungle is a sight of peninsula too. You can get to this waterfall riding from the ranch, located near the village of the same name.


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T. +52.55 5668 3255, +52.55 5668 3146 


Av. de Las Fuentes 170, Col. Jardines del Pedregal 01900 Mexico DF