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25 facts about Mexico

25 facts about Mexico

Mexico is a land where there is always something to offer. These are touristic sites, and amazing history, and rich culture. We propose you the interesting facts about Mexico; let them become an incentive to visit this wonderful country!

1. The word "Mexico" means "in the navel of the moon" – from the words of Nahuatl, the Aztec language, “Metztli” – “Moon” and “xictli” – “the navel”. The local inhabitants of these lands have spoken a word as "Meshika".

2. The state flag of Mexico consists of three vertical stripes: the green one means hope, the white – unity and purity, and the red – the blood of the national heroes. In the middle, on a white stripe, a golden eagle pecking a snake is – a symbolic sign that the Aztecs were looking to found the city of Tenochtitlan, the ancient capital of the country.

3. The meteorite that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago fell in a place where the city of Chicxulub is now – on the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. From the impact a crater of 180 km in diameter was formed, now located at a depth of 600 m. It was discovered in 1981 by employees of the company “Pemex” who draw attention to the drastic change in the density of the soil at this depth.


4. The Olmecs, who lived on these lands since 1400s BC to 300s AD, were one of the most important pre-Hispanic civilizations of Mexico. They are known mainly thanks to the huge heads made of stone, available for inspection in the country's museums.


5. When the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés arrived at the Mexican coast, he was accepted as a god and given the sacred drink – cocoa.

6. Till today the huge number of Indigenous tribes lives in Mexico. Due to this fact, the country speaks languages and dialects, which prevail on the number the languages and dialects of Europe.

7. The part of Mexico, known as the Yucatan Peninsula, is described from the time of the conquest. The Spaniard asked the native, how this place is called, and the answer was – "Yucatan". But he had no idea that the native replied him: "I do not understand you".

8. Mexico ranks fourth in the world in biological diversity. In its area more than 200 thousand of different species can be detected, that on different data amounts from 10 to 12% of living beings known in the world. Here are five types of climate and 9 of 11 types of ecosystems are presented too. Mexico holds the record of the number of reptiles living on its territory – 707 species, and ranks second in mammals (491 species) and fourth in amphibians (282 species) and plants (26 thousand of species).

9. Slightly more than 77% of cacti of Mexico are endemic, that is, they cannot be found anywhere else in the world.


10. In Mexico, there are at least 50 different species of agave for mezcal production. Mezcal is elder brother of tequila; it have been made on these lands long before the drink, which now is a symbol of Mexico.

11. The origin of poinsettia, considered a Christmas flower in Mexico, is here. It was named in honor of the first U.S. ambassador in Mexico, Joel Roberts Poinsett, in the XIX century. As a doctor, he was interested in the therapeutic properties of the plant.


12. The Xoloitzcuintle is a breed of dog known as the Mexican hairless dog, and its birthplace is Mexico. The age of e breed is more than three thousand years. The ancient inhabitants of Mexico have valued the meat of these animals, considering them clean ones.


13. Mexico has the second longest coral reef, which is 200 m from the island of Cozumel in the state of Quintana Roo.

14. The capital of Mexico, Mexico City, is located in the pit, surrounded by volcanoes. The two most famous of them are Popocatepetl and Iztaccíhuatl.

15. The world's smallest volcano is in Mexico. It is located in the city of Puebla and called Cuexcomate. Its height is about 13 meters, today it is not active.


16. The main square of Mexico City is called Zocalo. According to some data, this name was obtained after in 1842 the President Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana ordered to build on the square the column in honor of the country's independence. However, only the base was laid (zócalo in Spanish), and the work was stopped for a long time till the base was not dismantled.

17. Mexico City is the city with the largest number of museums in the world. Chapultepec Castle, which is located here and was once the residence of the governors, is the only castle built throughout the Americas.

18. To the date, the Federal District of Mexico City is the second most populated area of the world; it’s inferior only to the Japanese Tokyo. The drinking water is consumed here more than anywhere in the world.

19. The residence of Mexican presidents is called "Los Pinos" (in Spanish pino is pine), but not because of these trees grow here. The gardens in the state of Michoacan had the same name. The President Lazaro Cardenas (he was the first president, who lived in the residence "Los Pinos") met his future wife in there.

20. Mexico is the largest producer of silver.

21. The drink, consumed by Mexicans most than others is... No, it’s not tequila. It’s Coca-Cola.

22. About 60 thousand of taxis are cruising in Mexico. It is a world record.


23. In the south-east of the country the city of Catemaco is located. It’s the world capital of wizards and witches. Once a year the Night of the Witches is celebrated here, and the feast attracts the people of all over the world.

24. In Mexico, there are 26 places recognized by UNESCO as World Heritage Site. It is more than in other countries – Egypt, Greece, Peru and the United States.

25. Mexican cuisine is also recognized as a World Heritage. Mexico gave chocolate, chili and corn to the world.

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Contact information

T. +52.55 5668 3255, +52.55 5668 3146 


Av. de Las Fuentes 170, Col. Jardines del Pedregal 01900 Mexico DF